Friday, May 20, 2011

The Annual Herb Trail is May 28th

The years have gone by so quickly that I almost lose count how many years we have done The Herb Trail. It is at least 6 or 7 now. This year we are adding two more businesses on Route 467, Gibbs Perennial Gardens and The Cheese Factory. Remember to stop and get a potted herb with any purchase. Get your herb garden going.

The Cabin's herb garden is starting to look green and full. I have added a new Basil, a bush basil. Also planted cinnamon and purple opal basil. Come on by on the 28th of May and check it out.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Spring Open House

This week will go fast. It always does when a special Saturday is ahead. The list is long, the will is strong, but somehow something interferes and the list is cut short, actually tossed away! Thank goodness our friends and customers don't expect perfection.

I have enjoy working in the gardens. The herb garden has a lot of growth coming. My winter savory made it through another winter. Alas , I forgot to dig up the rosemary so I'll have to replace it. The fish are swimming slow still but the water is warming up. We did start to feed a little. Remember not to feed with water temps under 50 degrees.

We look forward to Saturday. Hope to see you there. Come and sit a spell and enjoy the sounds of water and the warmth of fire with our new flame pots. Coffee will be on.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Life's an Adventure

I'm not sure where the month of April has gone. It certainly was an adventurous month for our family. We rejoiced at the birth of our 13th grandchild - Mya Elizabeth King. All 7 lbs. 4 oz. of her. Her big sister, Ava, who is 18 months old is learning to share Mommy and Daddy's attention. Three days prior to delivery, our daughter learned the cause of her short of breathness- a partially collapsed left lung. Despite this, the delivery went beautifully.

Then 10 days after the delivery, we learned what was causing the collapsed lung- a tumor. So off we go on another family adventure. Tim has been  holding the Cabin together while I have been back and forth from Montoursville, watching the little ones while Ruth goes through testing. She goes to Sloan-Kettering on May 16th to see the surgeon. We are so grateful to God there is no other tumors anywhere else.

So if you come and visit The Cabin you may see me with a baby pack on and an 18 month old helper while Mom recuperates from surgery. As long as we can keep Ava from swimming with the fish in the pond out front, we'll be doing great!

The Massarelli fountains are moving well. Don't wait too long to check them out. I have been enjoying rose-breasted grosbeaks- male and female, indigo buntings, gold finches, and a white throated sparrows. They love the black oil sunflower seeds and the nyjer seeds I throw out on the porch roof. We'll have seeds all year long. Mother's Day is Sunday the 8th. We have some great gift ideas. See you soon.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


                                                            It takes muscles to lift these!

Setting the base

Setting the second tier and plumbing at same time

Setting the final tier

A 76 inch Pavasa Fountain

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Putting up the fountains

We are so blessed to have such great family and friends. Thanks to our son, Jeremiah, who came around the back way due to a bridge being repaired, and the Meglish Family, we were able to put together the big fountain. I did bribe them with cheese cake and coffee. Not only did we have the man power for the 76 inch high Pavasa Fountain, but we moved the sleigh, moved the stone cow statue, and put up the 3 tiered sea shell fountain.

You can see the pictures and a video I did on Facebook. I'll be posting some pictures here, too. Come on by and check out the beautiful sounds of water!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

View from The Cabin

In between the raindrops and the snowflakes today, I have seen my first pair of common merganser ducks. There were actually three pairs! The male had the white body and greenish, black head and the female was grayish with a brown crested head. The Wyalusing Creek is running higher and is a muddy brown. I saw a large tree branch floating down the middle at a pretty fast clip.

The phoebes are back. I love their call. The birds are still looking for a handout. We still fill the feeders. We will be carrying bird seed all year long for those who like to continue feeding.

Yesterday, Tim and I opened the last two pallets of stone fountains, birdbaths and adorable statuary. Thursday we will be putting in place the largest of the fountains. A 76" Pavasa, three tiered and gorgeous. Be sure to stop by and take a look. The fairy garden doors are moving along. Don't wait too long to get yours!